Become a Member

Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started

Who Can Join?

Hastings Valley Archery Club (HVAC) welcomes new members of all ages and abilities - if you can pull a bow, we’d love for you to join us!

Please note, the club does not offer tuition on regular club shoot days. If you’re new to archery, we encourage you to attend one of our ‘Come and Try Archery’ Open Days first, where tuition and equipment are provided. Archery is a lot of fun, and Open Days are the perfect way to get started!

Membership Fees

We offer three types of memberships:

  • Adult (18 and over)
  • Junior (under 18)
  • Family (for families living in the same household)

Memberships are valid for one year from the date of joining. For example, if you join on November 20, your membership is active until November 20 of the following year.

Please note, junior members must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times while on club grounds, as the club cannot provide supervision for minors.

Additional Costs

There is a Club Shoot Fee to help cover the wear and tear on targets:

  • $15 per person for 3D Shoots
  • $10 per person for the Practice Range

Shoot fees are payable on the day by cash or direct deposit. Please note that cash is only accepted for shoot fees; membership payments must be made electronically.

How to Join

Joining the club is now an easy online process:

  1. Click the appropriate link at the bottom of this page.
  2. Fill in your personal details.
  3. Agree to the club's terms and conditions.
  4. Choose your payment method (credit card or bank deposit).

Once completed, you’ll be ready to start your archery journey! Please note that cash payments are not accepted for memberships.

Family Memberships

Archery is a fantastic activity for the whole family. To make it affordable, we offer a single family membership fee for households.

The process is simple:

  1. The primary family member (payer) should register first and select the membership type ‘First Family Member.’
  2. Additional family members should register separately as ‘Additional Family Member - $0.00.’
  3. Repeat this process for each family member.

Our Membership Officer will link your family in the system, allowing the primary member to manage details for everyone.

Payment Options

  • Credit Card (Preferred): Payments are processed instantly and ensure you’re ready to shoot right away.
  • Bank Deposit: Direct deposits are also accepted, but processing delays may prevent you from shooting at the next event if funds have not cleared. Be sure to include your reference number for tracking purposes.

After You’ve Joined

Welcome to the club! Once your membership is approved, you’re ready to attend the next Club Shoot Day.

When you plan to attend, please let us know in advance via our Facebook page so we can arrange your induction and safety briefing. Regular shoot days typically start with setup at 8:00 AM, practice at 8:30 AM, and the main event at 9:00 AM. Finish times vary depending on participation, so it’s best to arrive early.

Archery Equipment

New members are welcome to borrow club bows while they get started. Arrows are available for purchase from the club for $40 per half-dozen (subject to change). We recommend speaking with club members before buying your own equipment to ensure you make informed decisions.

If you need to borrow equipment, please arrive early (around 8:30 AM) to allow time for setup. As a volunteer-run club, we appreciate members being prompt so everyone can enjoy the event without interruptions.

Range Keys and Hunting Licenses

  • Range Keys: These are available to long-term members who actively participate in club events and assist at working bees. Keyholders can access the range outside regular events while following established safety protocols.
  • Hunting Licenses: The club may issue licenses to members who demonstrate a high level of proficiency and responsibility over time, ensuring safety within our community.

Ready to Join?

Click one of the buttons below to start the membership process:
